Obtain a new RDD formed by dropping the first (n) elements of the input RDD
Obtain a new RDD formed by dropping the first (n) elements of the input RDD
The number of rows to drop
an RDD formed from dropping the first 'n' rows of the input
Obtain a new RDD formed by dropping the last (n) elements of the input RDD
Obtain a new RDD formed by dropping the last (n) elements of the input RDD
The number of rows to drop
an RDD formed from dropping the last 'n' rows of the input
Obtain a new RDD formed by dropping leading rows until predicate function (f) returns false
Obtain a new RDD formed by dropping leading rows until predicate function (f) returns false
Predicate function. Input rows are dropped until f returns false
An RDD formed by dropping leading rows until predicate function (f) returns false
Enriched methods for providing the RDD analogs of Scala drop, dropRight and dropWhile, which return an RDD as a result
import io.radanalytics.silex.rdd.drop.implicits._