The logical width, aka dimension, of the output feature space
The function that maps values of domain type D to a feature sequence
A function from feature indices to number of feature category values. By default, names is undefined over the feature space. The function may define names for none, some, or all of the feature indices.
A mapping from feature indices to numbers of categorical values. By default, undefined over space of features. The function may define category info for none, some, or all of the feature indices.
Concatenate two extractors.
Concatenate two extractors.
A concatenation of extractors, e1 ++ e2, is defined as follows:
(e1 ++ e2)(d) = e1(d) ++ e2(d)
Associated feature names and category info are concatenated similarly.
The right hand side of the concatenation.
The concatenation of left and right extractors.
Apply another extractor to the output of this one
Apply another extractor to the output of this one
f.andThenExtractor(g) = g.compose(f), in other words: (f.andThenExtractor(g))(x) => g(f(x))
An Extractor whose domain is the output of this extractor
A new extractor equivalent to applying 'g' to the output of this extractor
Evaluate the extractor on an input argument.
A mapping from feature indices to numbers of categorical values.
A mapping from feature indices to numbers of categorical values. By default, undefined over space of features. The function may define category info for none, some, or all of the feature indices.
Compose an extractor with another function.
Compose an extractor with another function.
An Extractor[D] composed with a function G => D results in a new Extractor[G]. May be used to "plug" an existing extractor into a new data type.
Some function G => D to compose with
A new extractor with domain type G equivalent to applying g and then applying the original extractor.
Fold another extractor over this one
Fold another extractor over this one
A fold is defined as: f.fold(g) = f ++ g.compose(f), in other words: (f.fold(g))(x) => f(x) ++ g(f(x))
When folding multiple arguments: (f.fold(g, h, ...))(x) => f(x) ++ g(f(x)) ++ h(f(x)) ...
the extractor to fold
additional extractors (if any) to fold
A new extractor that obeys the folding definition above
The function that maps values of domain type D to a feature sequence
A function from feature indices to number of feature category values.
A function from feature indices to number of feature category values. By default, names is undefined over the feature space. The function may define names for none, some, or all of the feature indices.
The logical width, aka dimension, of the output feature space
Obtain a new extractor with new categoryInfo mappings
Obtain a new extractor with new categoryInfo mappings
Creates a copy of the current extractor with a new categoryInfo function.
Zero or more pairs (name, num-categories). Feature names that are not defined in names are ignored.
A new extractor that is a copy of the current, except for new categoryInfo function.
Obtain a new extractor with new categoryInfo mappings
Obtain a new extractor with new categoryInfo mappings
Creates a copy of the current extractor with a new categoryInfo function.
The new categoryInfo function to use
A new extractor that is a copy of the current, except for new categoryInfo function.
Obtain a new extractor with new feature names mappings
Obtain a new extractor with new feature names mappings
A Scala Function from a domain type D, to a FeatureSeq, extended with a monoidal concatenation operator Extractor!.++.
The domain type of the function. This is the type of object features are to be extracted from.
The logical width, aka dimension, of the output feature space
The function that maps values of domain type D to a feature sequence
A function from feature indices to number of feature category values. By default, names is undefined over the feature space. The function may define names for none, some, or all of the feature indices.
A mapping from feature indices to numbers of categorical values. By default, undefined over space of features. The function may define category info for none, some, or all of the feature indices.