Subclass of FeatureSeq representing the concatenation of two feature sequences.
Subclass of FeatureSeq representing the concatenation of two feature sequences. The type returned by ++ operator
A Scala Function from a domain type D, to a FeatureSeq, extended with a monoidal concatenation operator Extractor!.++.
A Scala Function from a domain type D, to a FeatureSeq, extended with a monoidal concatenation operator Extractor!.++.
The domain type of the function. This is the type of object features are to be extracted from.
The logical width, aka dimension, of the output feature space
The function that maps values of domain type D to a feature sequence
A function from feature indices to number of feature category values. By default, names is undefined over the feature space. The function may define names for none, some, or all of the feature indices.
A mapping from feature indices to numbers of categorical values. By default, undefined over space of features. The function may define category info for none, some, or all of the feature indices.
An immutable sequence of Double values representing feature vectors extracted by an Extractor.
An immutable sequence of Double values representing feature vectors extracted by an Extractor. FeatureSeq is a monoid with respect to the concatenation operator FeatureSeq!.++.
Subclass of FeatureSeq representing a single Scala Seq object.
Factory methods for creating various flavors of feature Extractor.
Provides factory methods for FeatureSeq instances.
Provides conversions from Breeze vectors to FeatureSeq, and vice versa.
Provides conversions from Breeze vectors to FeatureSeq, and vice versa.
import io.radanalytics.silex.feature.extractor.{ FeatureSeq, Extractor } import io.radanalytics.silex.feature.extractor.breeze import io.radanalytics.silex.feature.extractor.breeze.implicits._ import _root_.breeze.linalg.DenseVector val bv = new DenseVector(Array(1.0, 2.0)) val featureSeq = FeatureSeq(bv) val bv2 = featureSeq.toBreeze
Provides conversions from Spark vectors to FeatureSeq, and vice versa.
Provides conversions from Spark vectors to FeatureSeq, and vice versa.
import io.radanalytics.silex.feature.extractor.{ FeatureSeq, Extractor } import io.radanalytics.silex.feature.extractor.spark import io.radanalytics.silex.feature.extractor.spark.implicits._ import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint val sv = new DenseVector(Array(1.0, 2.0)) val featureSeq = FeatureSeq(sv) val sv2 = featureSeq.toSpark val label = 1.0 val lp = new LabeledPoint(label, sv) val fs2 = FeatureSeq(lp) val lp2 = fs2.toLabeledPoint(label)
Provides a feature extraction type system that supports concatenation of feature extraction functions in a logically constant and type safe manner. Extraction functions are represented by instances of Extractor.